Thursday, October 15, 2009

Adventures in Unemployment: Volunteering

I keep very busy despite being unemployed. When I tell people what I have been up to lately, they often comment that I wouldn't have time for a job.

I obviously do spend some time everyday on the job search. However, I can't apply for jobs everyday because somedays there just aren't any new postings in public relations/communications/marketing.

Besides job searching and chores around the house, I spend a lot of time much that I've started calling myself a full-time volunteer. Right now I'm volunteering for The First Tee of Jacksonville (although that has died down since A Taste of Golf earlier this month), Women's Center of Jacksonville, Much Ado About Books and The 26.2 with Donna: The National Marathon to Finish Breast Cancer.

I'm working with all of these organizations because I am passionate about their causes. I love having time to devote to all of them!

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